Our Church

Our Mission Statement

The Placer Buddhist Church strives to nurture compassion, mindfulness, gratitude, peace, tolerance, inclusiveness, and spiritual exploration by providing a place where everyone is welcome.  Our mission is to continually learn and live the Buddhist Teachings to reduce suffering and support our lives and the lives around us.  We offer an open door to sharing these teachings, as well as friendship and community.

New PBC Office Hours

Every Thursday from 9:00am - 1:00pm

Buddhist education through the EVERYDAY BUDDHIST

If you sign up make sure you tell them you're from Placer Buddhist Church. 

PBC Annual Report's

The Placer Buddhist Church Annual reports are available for review.  Use the links below to download and review the document. 

A President's Reflection   

August 2024

Happy August, Everyone!


Let's hope this month gives us a little break from the sweltering heat we had in July. With the heat last month, I spent a lot of time indoors and didn't get out much. I found that I spent a lot of time alone, and I didn't like that. This gave me a lot of time to think about my beliefs and what I say and do and how it may affect others.


I know it's difficult to be objective about our own beliefs and prejudices, and I also think that being isolated keeps us from having our beliefs and prejudices in check. When my kids were at home, we spent a lot of time arguing, always trying to get our own points of view across. Without having those daily arguments, I realized I don't have someone keeping me "in line," and so my opinions are based on what knowledge I have, however limited that may be.


I don't know if my thoughts about people, politics, religion, etc. are right or wrong, but I realized I need to have discussions with others to get other points of view before I set that hard decision that my train of thought is the "right" thought. So even at my age, I'm working on being more open-minded and listening and evaluating other points of view before making decisions on what I think, say, or act on. As I am writing this article, I realized this is how the Buddha might have intended us to apply the Eightfold Noble Path by having the right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration, we can navigate through life with wisdom and mindfulness.


And now that I've moved on from those deep thoughts, let's get to our August activities!


This is Obon month, a time to reflect and show our gratitude to our loved ones who have passed on before us. The roots of this Buddhist tradition come from a Buddhist disciple, Mogallana, who had a vision of his recently deceased mother suffering in a hell-like realm. Being adept at meditation, Mogallana sought guidance from the Buddha. The Buddha advised him to make offerings to the monks, which Mogallana did. This act of compassion and generosity freed his mother to the Pure Land, making Mogallana so happy that he danced with joy!


Services and Obon Odori will take place on Saturday, August 3rd, with the following schedule:

8:00 a.m. Service at Auburn Cemetery

9:00 a.m. Service at Newcastle Cemetery

10:00 a.m. Service at Rocklin Cemetery

11:00 a.m. Obon/Hatsubon/Shotsuki Hoyo service at the temple officiated by our guest minister, 

  Rev. Dennis Fujimoto from the Buddhist Temple of Alameda, 

  followed by somen lunch provided by PBWA.

6:00 p.m. Hot dogs and shaved ice for sale

7:00 p.m. Obon odori and Placer Ume Taiko performance

In addition to Obon, PBC members are gearing up for the annual Food Bazaar and are actively recruiting volunteers to help out during this major fundraiser for PBC. If you have not been contacted to volunteer, please let one of our organizers know you're interested in volunteering, or if you have friends or family members that would like to volunteer.


Once again, we will open Ba-chan's Treasures, a store with gently used Japanese artifacts such as Japanese dishes, dolls, art, and clothing (e.g., kimonos and yukatas). If you have donations for Ba-chan's Treasures, you may drop them off at the church at services or on Thursday mornings during office hours.


Thank you for your commitment to Placer Buddhist Church. May this August bring peace, reflection, and community to all.

In Gassho, 

Rene' Yamashiro, PBC President

Our Contact Information

Placer Buddhist Church

3192 Boyington Road

P.O.Box 349                      <-- New Mailing Address

Penryn, CA. 95663

(916) 652-6139

Our Church

The Placer Buddhist Church is located at 3192 Boyington Road in Penryn California, County of Placer. It is located at the scenic base of the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains just off Interstate 80. It is approximately halfway between San Francisco and Reno, Nevada.

The Church was founded in 1902 in the small foothill town of Penryn. The original church was near the center of town approximately 3 miles from its current location. The church moved to its current location in 1963. The church is well known in the community for annual food bazaar which is typically held on the 4th weekend of September. The annual food bazaar  began in 1964, just after the church moved to  its new location.

The church supports organizations such as the Placer Buddhist Women’s Association (PBWA), Young Buddhist Association (YBA), Sierra Bonsai Club, Dharma School, and Placer Ume Taiko Groups. The church also holds various classes during the week including calligraphy, flower arranging, Tai Chi, Obon dancing and exercise classes. See the church calendar for class times.

Dharma services and group activities have been limited during the Covid-19 pandemic and will reopen when safe to publicly meet. 

Supervising Ministers

    Rev. Matt Hamasaki

    Rev. Yuki Sugahara

Minister's Assistants

    Rich Kawahata

    Michi Mitani

    Ed Nakamoto

2023 PBC Officers


            René Yamashiro

    1st Vice President

            Tom Aust

    2nd Vice President

            Frank Perrott

    Recording Secretary

            Linda Dickerson

            Claudia Nakata


            Kent Kawamoto


            Karen Takayama